Thursday 14 November 2013

Reason for being on Photography course.

 Photography and art was always big part of my family , as a young child I didn't have so much opportunities to choose what I want to do when I grow up , everyone in my family had a talent to draw but me , their drawings looked like photographs , so this is when I wanted my first camera, unfortunately my  parents wasn't able to provide me with one I had to give up of wanting to make them proud out of me and show them that I can also do something that's really good as their drawings. Years were going past I was growing up but I still had something missing in me , I have spend all my pocket money on my first camera , going round taking photographs of everyone and everything was something I could do forever without stopping. People at home had enough of me and my camera but this still didn't stop me of taking pictures. Because I never had a computer at home till the age of 14 I couldn't really see what my photographs were like I was happy with what I can see on the camera.

In 2008 my mum toled me that were going to England for the summer holidays , she toled me to pack the most important things and said that we are going in a week time. I  was still at school for the last week before summer I have never said bye to my friends because I was worried if I have got my camera with me to capture the best summer of my life at this time. This wasn't the end of the surprises when me my mum and brothers got on the train to the air port my mum said the words I will never forget, words that have changed my life ' WE ARE NOT COMING BACK AFTER SUMMER' . My heart stopped for a second but I knew the better life is coming .

When we got to England my mum had a present for me it was my first DSLR camera, I still remember how happy I was at the time. Summer went pretty quick and I had to go to school where I  didn't know any English the days were going so slow and I was just hoping on going back home taking pictures.

But then came the day when my camera went to the cupboard for a long time. My mum was working a lot a single mother she was going to work when me and my brothers where coming home from school so we have barley see each other and I had to take care of my brothers but still be able to do my homeworks from school. Then I got to college where I  felt like I can make my own decisions about what I want to do in life . I was studying health and social care because my grades wasn't good enough to study photography. I was  doing health and social care for 2 years but I couldn't find my self doing this and working a lot at the time. As a 19 year old I decided that I am going to  change my life and applied for college in Manchester to study photography as a always wanted . I didn't know if I will be able to get there I decided that I'm moving out at starting from scratch.

Here I am now, a Manchester College Photography student where I am studying what I need to know to be the best at it.

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