Tuesday 12 November 2013

Digital Imaging Assigment

Foundations in Digital Imaging

For this task we have been given a brief to produce 5 sequential images that work together .

I looked up at Anne Geddes an Australian Photographer who photographs babies in costumes, however she doesn't want the to pose she tries to take picture in they natural positions . I really like her work because its not simple and shows a lot of children nature.
Some of her work:

Maria Murray
Maria Murray is a award winning UK based photographer .Maria Murray is considered by many as the best newborn photographer in the UK, and has been featured in the national press on several occasions. Personally I really like her work because it show the nature of the babies but not as much as Ann Geddes , in Maria's work babies are mostly posing to the pictures with siblings or parents.
Some of her work:

Photographers that I have researched both specialize in photographing babies , personally I mostly like Anne Geddes because she shows nature of the babies in natural world and positions , she doesn't want the to pose but tries to capture moments that they yawn or sleep or smile how the want to rather then telling them to do it.
To complete this task I have decided that I want to take picture of the babies. The first think that came to my head was that it will be hard to find someone that will let me photograph their child, so I decided I will ring my friend and ask her and her husband if I could take some picture of their 5 month old baby girl , I have also taled them that I would like to use those images for my assignment.
After having their approval I had to plan my trip to Warrington where they live, because I had limited time I had to go as soon as possible so I have toled babys parents to get few sets of clothes ready when I come.
Health and Safety
Before taking any photographs of the baby I've thought about health and safety:
Parental Approval:
Because I was taking pictures of a 5 months old baby , I had to ask parents if they allow me to take photographs and if I could use them for my work.
I needed to make sure that the baby parents are with us at all times in case that the baby was crying or  wanted food. Having parents around also make the child feel safe and secure.
To keep my equipment out of sign of any other children that were around, and to keep my equipment in a bag when finished in case of dropping it.
Check train and train times before getting at the wrong train. Keep the equipment in the bag and out of sign in case of other people squashing it and break it , or in case of it being stolen.
 Image1 : Still Image

In this picture I have changes the brightness and the contrast of the red background so it doesn't stand out as much. I have also changes the levels and the curves to make the picture look more vibrant.


Zuzia is 5 months old and who loves moving around so to get a still image I've changed settings on my camera to :

1/64sec; f;5.0 ISO:800       

Image 2 : Flash

 For this picture I have used flash, because flash was too strong for her eyes she also moved, so it added a movement to the picture.I have edited the picture in Photoshop by changing the brightness and the levels.



1/64sec; f4.0; ISO 800; flash



Image 3: Movement


For my 3rd image I wanted to capture a movement , when she was waving .

I also edited this picture in Photoshop by changing the contrast and the brightness of the picture, and changed the curves to add detail to the face.



 1/20sec; f8.0; ISO 800


Image 4: Short depth of field 

For this picture I wanted to capture short depth of field. I have focused on the bottle but you can still se the baby in the background holding it.

I edited this picture in Photoshop by changing brightness and the levels on the photo.

 1/64sec; f5.0; ISO 800


Image 5: Textures
For my final image I decided to do add some textures to the image, but before I added any I have edited the picture by changing the brightness of the picture.
1/64sec; f5.0 ISO 800
Textures I have found on the internet :



Image with the textures I have used: 

 To add layers I have made a background copy and opened my first texture with I Have then dragged on my main image using a move tool.
Then I blended the first layer using multiply on opacity 100%.
As you can see on the picture the texture went over the subject on the picture.
To make my subject clear i had to make the layer mask , then take a brush tool and clicking  on the subject and clearing it.
 Second texture I have added at the side , and  blended it in using ColourDodge on opacity 71%.
Textures I've used:
First texture:
 Second texture:
Final Images:


In this task I have learned a lot about other photographers and their techniques , and also I have alearned a lot abou me and me techniques , I really enjoyed planning and developing my final peace throughout the assignment . At the start of this project I had a lot of ideas but I think I have chosen a good piece to challenge my self in new photography techniques I have learned on the course. I think if I had more time I would make my pictures more specific to Anne Geddes work , I would like them more but overall I'm really happy with my work .
Doing the slide show took me some time because it was my first time on doing something like this I also had a go at mixing the music in to the slide show which was even harder and took some time , but I have manage to get it to work. In my slide show I added information about setting on the camera when I was taking the photograph and some animations that were available in the Windows Movie Maker that I used.

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