Tuesday 29 October 2013

Mini Brief - Street Photography

Mini Brief - Street Photography

To Produce a series of images fitting the theme of Street Photography. Record ambient sounds, from these you will assemble a slide show.


To complete this assignment our group met  in rainy Manchester city centre to go and take some pictures of the life on the street , I have managed to take some pictures but I didn't record any sounds as I got lost somewhere in town .

 I have  put a slide show of the pictures from Manchester City Centre without sound :

Mini Brief - Street Photography (no sound)


Because I got really poorly that was the barrier for me to complete this task , and the deadline wasn't that far away I needed to go out and do as much as I can even thought I wasn't feeling really well, I decided to go the park just behind my house and record the sound of the nature. I took the pictures of the ducks but to get their attention I had to feed them at the same time as I was taking the photographs.

I have edited the pictures in Photoshop by changing contrast on level on all of them, till I was happy with the result.

Slide show with sound:








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