Sunday 20 October 2013

Mini Brief - Art and Design

Mini Brief - Slide show 

To produce a series of 5 images that work sequentially, and show a creative use of camera controls, digital techniques or a mixture of both.

Baby Girl

For this project I have had a lot of different ideas but i wasn't sure with one I want to use  so ,I have used the opportunity of going to Warrington to see my goddaughter and as I took a lot of pictures of her , I decided that she will be my subject for the mini brief. 

While doing this I had so much fun but I still managed to get some work done.



Image1 : Still Image


In this picture I have changes the brightness and the contrast of the red background so it doesn't stand out as much. I have also changes the levels and the curves to make the picture look more vibrant.


Zuzia is 5 months old and who loves moving around so to get a still image I've changed settings on my camera to :

1/64sec; f;5.0 ISO:800 




Image 2 : Flash

 For this picture I have used flash, because flash was too strong for her eyes she also moved, so it added a movement to the picture.
I have edited the picture in Photoshop by changing the brightness and the levels.
1/64sec; f4.0; ISO 800; flash
Image 3: Movement
For my 3rd image I wanted to capture a movement , when she was waving .
I also edited this picture in Photoshop by changing the contrast and the brightness of the picture, and changed the curves to add detail to the face.

 1/20sec; f8.0; ISO 800
Image 4: Short depth of field

For this picture I wanted to capture short depth of field. I have focused on the bottle but you can still se the baby in the background holding it.

I edited this picture in Photoshop by changing brightness and the levels on the photo.

 1/64sec; f5.0; ISO 800


Image 5: Textures
For my final image I decided to do add some textures to the image, but before I added any I have edited the picture by changing the brightness of the picture.
1/64sec; f5.0 ISO 800
Textures I have found on the internet :



Image with the textures I have used: 

 To add layers I have made a background copy and opened my first texture with I Have then dragged on my main image using a move tool.
Then I blended the first layer using multiply on opacity 100%.
As you can see on the picture the texture went over the subject on the picture.
To make my subject clear i had to make the layer mask , then take a brush tool and clicking  on the subject and clearing it.
 Second texture I have added at the side , and  blended it in using ColourDodge on opacity 71%.
Textures I've used:
First texture:
 Second texture:
Final Images:



1 comment:

  1. A good posting Klaudia, I like all of your images, but one is weaker than the others, I will discuss this with you at college. Your text is good, it clearly shows that you have a good knowledge of both photography and photoshop, just watch your grammar at times, again I will discuss this with you in a tutorial
